GunAlert® is sensitive enough to send an alert to your phone the second your gun is moved and our patented technology will assist in recovering your gun.
Every 2 minutes, a gun is stolen in the U.S. GunAlert® notifies you immediately if your gun moves.
36% of children have handled their parents’ guns without their knowledge. GunAlert® gives parents peace of mind knowing the location of their guns.
100% of gun owners don’t want their gun stolen and used in a crime. GunAlert® is designed to prevent this from happening.
Our motion detection and GPS technology sense the slightest movement and alerts you immediately.
“Firearm-related injuries account for 20% of all childhood deaths in the United States – more than… any other single cause. In 2020 alone, more than 4,300 children died from firearm-related injuries, which is the equivalent of five school buses full of kids every month. Roughly 1/3 U.S. households has at least one firearm and nearly half of those do not store them securely. Moreover, 75% of children in those homes know where those firearms are located.” – Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
GunAlert® is perfect for households with children & teens. Its tamper alerts and customizable safety zones reduce the risk of accidents while respecting your rights as a responsible gun owner.
GunAlert®, Now Embedded In A 14″ Combination Cable Lock
Our motion detection and GPS technology sense the slightest movement and alerts you immediately. Unlike competitors using WiFi, GunAlert uses cellular technology to send its location no matter where it is.
Our motion detection and GPS technology senses the slightest movement and alerts you immediately. Unlike competitors using WiFi, GunAlert uses cellular technology to send its location no matter where it is.
This technology can’t be found anywhere else.
An app design that is easy to use.
Only you know the location of your guns.
Data can’t be accessed by anyone but you.
You can clear your data easily.
Easiest Device + Service Plan Ordering with Free Shipping
30 Days Free Service and Lowest Subscription Plan Choices
Like a cell phone, GunAlert® requires an active subscription to a Monitoring Service Plan in order to function. Devices purchased from a 3rd Party will also require you to subscribe to service on Plans under $5 / month.